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Electrical Condition Reports explained
Condition Reports explained You cannot see electricity. Cables are usually hidden inside our walls, and consumer units are often hidden in cupboards, so it is not surprising that we forget to check the condition of our electrical installation for damage or wear and tear. Faulty and old wiring is one of the main causes or […]
Periodic Inspection Reports Explained
All electrical installations deteriorate with age and use. They should therefore be inspected and tested at regular intervals to check whether they are in a satisfactory condition for continued use. Such safety checks are commonly referred to as ‘periodic inspection and testing’. Once completed you will be issued with an Electrical Condition Report (EICR). A […]
The main idea behind our logo is that the light bulb represents an idea on how to fix things. The puzzle piece is the fix. Working in electrical trade for many years we have learned to make things work.